The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.

Is 2021 A Prime Number?

A prime number is a positive integer that can only be exactly divided by itself and 1. Algorithm: to judge whether X is a prime number or not, we can assume a number n has n x n = X (n = sqrt(X)). If X is not prime, it will have at least one integer pair n1 and n2, such that n1 x n2 = X, n1∈[2,n], n2∈[n,X]. We can then narrow down the scope that if X is exactly divisible by a number between 2 and sqrt(X), it is not a prime; otherwise, it is a prime.

Show N^M As Sum Of Consecutive N Odd Numbers


Split n^m into n numbers, the average of the numbers would be n^{m-1}. If n is odd, we can produce the consecutive odd numbers {…n^{m-1}-4, n^{m-1}-2, n^{m-1}, n^{m-1}+2, n^{m-1}+4…}. For example, for 3^3, it will be {7, 9, 11}. If n is even, we can produce the consecutive odd numbers {…n^{m-1}-5, n^{m-1}-3, n^{m-1}-1, n^{m-1}+1, n^{m-1}+3, n^{m-1}+5…}. For example, for 4^3, it will be {13, 15, 17, 19}. It can be written as:

Raspberry Pi Watering Bot

V1 - The Minimum Viable Product Circuit Design Implementation Features Automatically water plant on schedule Enable extra watering using a switch Log watering history Code V2 - Water Level Detector Circuit Design Missing Code V3 - Mobile Message (Twilio) Code Missing V4 - Migrated to ESP8266 Circuit Desgin Missing Extra Features Soil Humidity Sensor Remote monitor and control via Blynk Code

Setup Raspberry Pi (headless)

Prerequisite Download Raspbian image from link (I used Raspbian Buster Lite zip version, BanelaEtcher can write from zip) Download BanelaEtcher for writing image to micro SD from link Micro SD (Samsung 32GB with adapter) link Install tools in your PC (Windows): Putty (access Raspberry Pi headless using SSH) Bonjour Notepad++ Steps Install operating system Plug SD card into computer (Win 10), use BanelaEtcher write Raspbian to micro SD